It’s been almost 2 months since I started writing blogs and sharing it online. Although at the beginning I started just for the sake of writing online. But after writing consistently for 2 months and 23 articles in, I now feel that there’s this kind of thinking which can be exercised only by writing.

You might think that while writing, people just think something and then pen it down, but you’d be wrong. While writing the articles, I’ve always discovered new things in the process of writing them, and I get to think in ways I never thought to be possible.

As Paul Graham once said,

“Writing is not just a way to convey ideas, but also a way to have them.”

If you have a large repertoire of blog posts or thought pieces on your website, you can give the reader a pretty good idea of what you’re made of. The number of times a single blog post had made me want to meet the writer in person, is unreal.

And even though there are many people who write online, they’re most likely to quit after their first 3-4 articles. This is what I’ve observed browsing through various profiles at HashNode and Medium. Perseverance is a rare commodity.

Writing also creates a record of your thoughts and ideas. You can look back at your old writings and see how much you’ve grown and changed. It’s like a time capsule of your intellectual and emotional development.

Writing is like having conversation with your own mind, which we all should strive to do more often.