The term ‘Nerd’, originally coined as a slur for overly intellectual, socially awkward individuals, is now worn as a badge of honor, but why?

You might think that the present-day nerds are somewhat evolved from their former counterparts, but you’d be wrong. The essence of being a nerd is still the same, what has changed is our perception of them.

What’s changed now, is that we can see the output of their nerdiness in real time, thanks to the internet boom. Now the cultural narrative has shifted significantly.

Now, if you’ve created something cool, you can share it online for the whole world to watch, in a click of a button.

Contrary to what the boomer narratives propagated in newspapers tell you, internet, if used correctly, is a huge levelling ground. With optimal usage of one’s skills and internet, it’s like you’re dual wielding a Magnum and a Plasma pistol (a deadly combo in the Halo franchise)

Seeing all these great talented people pop up on your feed really inspires me to become great at whatever I aspire to be doing.

It’s a great time to be a creator on the internet. The barriers for entry have never been lower. Only thing which can limit us is our imagination and determination.