Internet, like in real life, is filled with grifters, i.e. People who portray themselves as someone they aren’t.

Following the “Fake it till you make it” mindset, is a double edged sword, depending on the person. On one hand, it can motivate you to push your limits, on the other hand, it can lead to dishonesty and false pride in yourself.

The dopamine hit you get on your posts, makes it very lucrative to only post a particular kind of content, whether you genuinely enjoy it or not. This can lead a to a cycle of chasing likes and validation instead of pursuing genuine interests.

As Pragun had once said,

Twittter likes are not a substitue for success, you’ll waste away your entire life chasing bangers

There are countless number of accounts on twitter, pretending to be subject matter experts, be it tech, finance, content creation, etc. But if you check their actual work, they’ve got nothing to back up their claims. Just sheer confidence in their ability to make things up on the fly.

The key to weed out grifters from your feed is to just take a look at the type of posts they make. Every grifter follows the same pattern, e.e., post someone else’s work just wrapped in their own words.

The things you post should be yours only, not borrowed. Authenticity is what will truly set you apart. People value authentic, raw ideas more than repetetive, polished ones.