2 days back, I stumbled upon a post on twitter, stating that “Most <x political ideology> people are kids or people who haven’t achieved much in their lives”. And that got me thinking. Is that really, the truth?

One thing the poster failed to realise is that it is safe for them to express their opinions, because their opinion is what’s currently acceptable to believe. So they think it must be the case for every person out there. They just can’t seem to wrap their heads around the fact that there are indeed true, factual statements that may lead you to trouble just for saying it out loud.

Not only will these people deny that there are things you can’t say, they’ll start labelling you as a x-ist or a y-ist. It’s a way to shut down conversations and avoid discussing uncomfortable truths.

Although it may seem they are being disingenuous about it, but that’s actually how their surroundings is. It’s almost similar to the case how many men can’t understand why women prefer to work in a place far from their home. They just don’t get that most women don’t enjoy the privileges most men do. Peace of mind is more important than convenience for them.

The best we all can do is to try to listen honestly to differing opinions and genuinely try to understand other’s view points.