One of the worst mistakes I’ve been doing all my life, is, being ambitious but in the wrong way. Being ambitious, means to strive for greater heights, but I failed to consider the time factor it takes. I thought I can’t achieve the said goal in, say a month or two, then I’m just not built for it.

For the longest time, the fear of being perceived as a midwit, or someone of mediocre intelligence, had stopped me from posting my work or thoughts online. However, now that I’ve started sharing my writings and ideas, many people have reached out to me via messages or comments, admiring and appreciating my work. I never thought people would even like my writing, but here you are, reading this piece anyway.

The truth is, if you feel like being mid, you most likely are. But that shouldn’t worry you in the slightest. Spend your time getting better at your desired craft. Now you’d say, “But it’ll take so long?”. Yes, it might take a long time, but the time will pass anyway. Better use it to get good and make something out of it, right?

Remember that every small step you take, every hour you invest in learning and practising, is bringing you closer to your goal. Perseverance is what matters the most.