Tech, unlike other fields, changes its landscape every passing day. You can never tell what’s trending today will live to see the face of tomorrow or not.

Every other week, a person will emerge with their new shiny “Roadmap” of any particular domain in tech. Although the intention is right, these Roadmaps often over-simplify the complexity and dynamic nature of the tech ecosystem.

No matter how much one tries to bring order to this chaotic tech world, they fall flat on their face every single time.

Tech is a beast, which can’t be tamed. Sure you can tie a rope round its neck, but you can’t materialise the power to move it . It has its own free will. This makes it impossible to predict the trajectory of tech accurately.

And all a roadmap offers is a checklist, and that too just for getting started. You can never add all the necessary things to a “Roadmap”.

What does work though, is the FAFO, i.e. Fuck Around, Find Out principle.

Just pick any good enough resource, and start writing code. You’ll soon find that what you thought to be a fixed sized array, would turn out to be a n-ary tree with new nodes popping up after every topic learned.

This journey of discovering new nuances is what makes tech challenging and rewarding at the same time.