A collection of personal reflections to stay focused on what truly matters. This list is ever-growing, with new insights added as they come.

No point in arguing. Accept you’re wrong and move on. Or even better, don’t respond at all. You only have so much time to spare. Don’t waste it arguing with strangers who’ve already decided you’re wrong.

Question everything, but not publicly. Take a day to think before uttering a word.

Reflect on your actions, words regularly.

Channel optimism in your mind. Pessimists may sound smart, but no one likes them, except other pessimists.

Sometimes it’s okay to take a step back and look at the bigger picture.

Improve yourself in every aspect you can think of, but don’t become self-obsessed. Take a good look around you and help your loved ones whenever you get the chance.

You are a hypocrite sometimes. Better accept it and work on it early.

Focus and direct your thoughts purposefully.

Reliability reigns supreme over everything.

Show your work. One post can change everything.

Read more.

Do it slow but do it right.

Maintain a balance between work and personal life.

Keep your promises, both to yourself and others.

Stay true to your values and principles.