There would be times, when you would see a post or a comment on Twitter, where you would really want to meet the person who posted it and punch them in their face. But alas, you can only reply to their post. But before you hit the SEND button, think, do you really want to feed the algorithm to show more similar things like this?

Twitter algorithm, like most social media platforms, is programmed to push whatever will get the most engagement from you, be it likes, comments or retweets. And like the real world, here too, negative things spread way faster than the good stuff.

Now you might think, isn’t this like making an echo chamber of some sorts? And you would be right. That’s exactly what that is. But is that really a bad thing, given your mental peace is becoming better? NO, Right?

You are human after all, things will get to your skin. The best way to deal with this is to tell the algorithm what you really would like to see on your feed. Unfollow, mute and block anything which makes you riled up. And use these buttons generously. The number of the followers the person had doesn’t matter. Brilliance in one field does not make up for stupidity.

Don’t let negativity affect your online consumption. Mute, block, unfollow freely - it’s your feed, your rules. Remember, Twitter is meant to be a tool for connection and enrichment, not a breeding ground for anger and frustration.