Whenever I see a youngling posting their project on twitter, it makes me wonder, why have I not done this myself ever? Do I just not have it in me what it takes to build good products?

Or I do have it in me but just don’t realise it. Whatever the reason is, the fact remains that I haven’t done anything worth noticing.

So what can I do to solve this issue? First I’ve to prioritise what I really want to do with the time I have. Learn new and important things or build something using what I already know? Since I know that I’ve limited knowledge about the tech world. I think the best course of action for me at this point would be to invest my time in learning more about the core workings of Machine learning.

And since I’ve plenty of time(atleast a month) as my college just got over and joining of my job is not that soon, this is what I’ll do:

  1. Grok the hell out of Python and make mini projects like CLI apps to solidify my learnings.
  2. Learn the workings of all the major ML algos and write them from scratch myself.
  3. Start reading source code of some great GitHub repos revolving around ML.
  4. Grind as much leetcode as I can to keep myself interview ready.

Let’s see how it goes.