Having a short attention span makes it difficult to get things done. You might start an important project, but then get sidetracked checking Instagram or replying to a text message. Before you know it, hours have gone by and you haven’t made much progress.

With all the digital distractions these days, Attention Span has become a currency whose exchange rate has never been higher.

You must have searched the web, desperately trying to find a one-size-fits-all formula to get better at focusing. I’ve made this mistake too. One thing that I misjudged about myself is that I thought I could just force myself to follow a schedule. It worked for a day or two, then the same patterns repeated.

The thing that did work for me was, to “Get Better”. You heard it right, just get better. I know it sounds vague, but that’s all it takes. You’d do the things you are naturally good at for far longer than say, solving a difficult calculus sum.

But how to get better? you might ask. The answer is, ✨Gaslighting yourself✨. Yes, you just have to gaslight yourself into thinking that what you’re doing is grand and has meaning. But the process of gaslighting yourself, however, is different for each person. You have to spend time with your brain to figure this out.

Ultimately, the key is to engage deeply with your work. When you’re genuinely absorbed in something, distractions fade into the background.