The last decade has seen rapid changes in the tech landscape. The State-of-the-Art tech has been advancing itself every passing month.

One of the best things to come out of this is the advancement of the Developer tools. But tools are only as good as the craftsman wielding them.

Now it’s easier than ever to make progress in tech without knowing the internal working of most things. You can just treat anything as a Blackbox and get done with your work.

And this has created the “Framework Engineers” epidemic in tech. Engineers are now heavily reliant on their favorite tech stack. Tell them to build anything from the ground up and watch them fall flat to their face. I’ve been struggling with this too.

And to tackle this, one can try out the following things:

  • Create basic working models of the libraries and packages you use.
  • Habituate yourself to read the source code of tools you use.
  • Be in regular touch with your algorithmic skills.
  • Try to use different languages to make the same thing, to understand the trade-offs you’ll have to make while working with them.

Being a “Framework Engineer” is no longer enough. You’ve to be a “Software Engineer” at heart, who can see through the black box, unlocking your full potential and staying ahead of the curve.