Crafting with love is about more than just finishing a task. It’s about putting your heart into your work, giving it real meaning, and making something that truly connects with yourself. When you’re just building to tick a box, it shows - the passion just isn’t there. But when you really care about what you’re creating, it shines through in every detail.

Let’s look at GitHub profiles as an example. Some developers might pin a few projects- maybe a to-do application or something from a course they took - just to have something to show. You can tell when the genuine interest is missing. These profiles say “I did what was expected”, but not “I made this because I really wanted to.”

When you build with love, you’re driven by a real connection to your idea. It might be a tool you’ve always wished existed, or a project that solves a problem you’ve faced yourself. You can see the care in every aspect - the code is well-thought-out, the README is detailed and helpful, and even the design fees purposeful.

I experienced this myself when I was buidling this website using Hugo. As I looked through different themes, Papermod caught my eye. The Github repository for this theme really showed the creator’s passion- from the well-organized README to all the details in the docs. It wasn’t just another theme; you could tell it was a project the creator truly cared about.

The difference between work done out of obligation and work crafted with love is unmistakable. Always strive for the latter!