The aoc_lib package used in these solutions is my own custom helper functions library. You can find the code here. I’ll try to post my solutions daily. These are probably not the most optimized solutions. That is not my goal with advent of code honestly, I do these just for fun.
Day 1
Day 1 was pretty straightforward. Just some basic array magic. I don’t think the code needs much explanation.
package main
import (
aoc_lib ""
func part1(input []string) int {
var leftList, rightList []int
for _, line := range input {
nums := aoc_lib.StringToIntSlice(line)
leftList = append(leftList, nums[0])
rightList = append(rightList, nums[1])
result := 0
for i := 0; i < len(leftList); i++ {
diff := leftList[i] - rightList[i]
if diff < 0 {
diff = -diff
result += diff
return result
func part2(input []string) int {
var leftList, rightList []int
for _, line := range input {
nums := aoc_lib.StringToIntSlice(line)
leftList = append(leftList, nums[0])
rightList = append(rightList, nums[1])
rightCount := make(map[int]int)
for _, num := range rightList {
similarityScore := 0
for _, num := range leftList {
if count, exists := rightCount[num]; exists {
similarityScore += num * count
return similarityScore
func main() {
lines := aoc_lib.ReadLines("input.txt")
resultPart1 := part1(lines)
resultPart2 := part2(lines)
fmt.Printf("Part 1: %d\n", resultPart1)
fmt.Printf("Part 2: %d\n", resultPart2)
Day 2
package main
import (
func isSafe(nums []int) bool {
isIncreasing := true
isDecreasing := true
differencesValid := true
for i := 0; i < len(nums)-1; i++ {
diff := nums[i+1] - nums[i]
if diff <= 0 {
isIncreasing = false
if diff >= 0 {
isDecreasing = false
if math.Abs(float64(diff)) < 1 || math.Abs(float64(diff)) > 3 {
differencesValid = false
return (isIncreasing || isDecreasing) && differencesValid
func part1(lines []string) int {
result := 0
for _, line := range lines {
nums := aoc_lib.StringToIntSlice(
strings.ReplaceAll(line, " ", "~"),
if isSafe(nums) {
return result
func part2(lines []string) int {
result := 0
for _, line := range lines {
nums := aoc_lib.StringToIntSlice(strings.ReplaceAll(line, " ", "~"))
if isSafe(nums) {
for i := 0; i < len(nums); i++ {
modifiedNums := append([]int{}, nums[:i]...)
modifiedNums = append(modifiedNums, nums[i+1:]...)
if isSafe(modifiedNums) {
return result
func main() {
lines := aoc_lib.ReadLines("input.txt")
fmt.Printf("part1: %d\n", part1(lines))
fmt.Printf("part2: %d\n", part2(lines))
Day 3
package main
import (
func part1(input string) int {
mulPattern := regexp.MustCompile(`mul\(\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*\)`)
results := 0
for _, match := range mulPattern.FindAllStringSubmatch(input, -1) {
num1, _ := strconv.Atoi(match[1])
num2, _ := strconv.Atoi(match[2])
results += num1 * num2
return results
func part2(input string) int {
mulPattern := regexp.MustCompile(`mul\(\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*\)`)
doPattern := regexp.MustCompile(`do\(\)`)
dontPattern := regexp.MustCompile(`don'?t\(\)`)
results := 0
mulEnabled := true
combinedPattern := regexp.MustCompile(
fmt.Sprintf(`%s|%s|%s`, mulPattern.String(), doPattern.String(), dontPattern.String()),
for _, match := range combinedPattern.FindAllStringSubmatch(input, -1) {
if doPattern.MatchString(match[0]) {
mulEnabled = true
} else if dontPattern.MatchString(match[0]) {
mulEnabled = false
} else if mulPattern.MatchString(match[0]) && mulEnabled {
num1, _ := strconv.Atoi(match[1])
num2, _ := strconv.Atoi(match[2])
results += num1 * num2
return results
func main() {
inputBytes, err := os.ReadFile("input.txt")
if err != nil {
input := string(inputBytes)
fmt.Printf("Part 1 Result: %d\n", part1(input))
fmt.Printf("Part 2 Result: %d\n", part2(input))